Sugi Beekeeping Garden

privacy policy

SUGI BEE GARDEN Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") has established the following policy regarding the handling of personal information.
The definitions of terms used in this document are based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act") and related laws and regulations.

1. Compliance with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, etc.

We will comply with the Personal Information Protection Act, other related laws and regulations, guidelines established by the Personal Information Protection Commission, and this privacy policy, and will handle personal information lawfully and appropriately.

2. Acquisition of personal information

We will obtain your personal information through lawful and appropriate means.

3. Purpose of use of personal information

We will use your personal information for the following purposes or for purposes that are clear from the circumstances under which it was obtained, and will not use it for any other purposes unless we have the consent of the individual or it is permitted by law.

4. Entrustment of personal data

In order to smoothly carry out our business and provide better services to our customers, we may entrust the handling of your personal data to our partner companies and group companies (including partner companies and group companies in foreign countries). However, the personal data we entrust will be limited to the minimum information necessary to carry out the entrusted business.

5. Provision of personal data to third parties

We will not provide your personal data to a third party (excluding contractors) unless we have your prior consent or it is permitted by law.

6. Management of personal data

7. Reception of inquiries regarding personal data held

8. Contact point for inquiries and complaints

株式会社 杉養蜂園 CRM部
〒861-5535 熊本県熊本市北区貢町571-15

9. Revision of the Privacy Policy

We may review the contents of this Privacy Policy from time to time and change it as necessary. In that case, the revised Privacy Policy will apply from the date of publication of the revised version.

Established on September 1, 2017
Revised: November 1, 2021

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