Sugi Beekeeping Garden

Yellowtail Nanbanzuke

Yellowtail Nanbanzuke

Products used in this recipe

Made in Japan Wild Flower Honey (500g/bag)
Buy this product

Ingredients (Serves 4)

  • Yellowtail


  • Onion and carrot

    1/2 piece

  • Celery and paprika

    1 piece

  • Cut kelp


  • potato starch


  • Frying oil

    Appropriate amount

  • Dashi stock[Mixed vinegar]

    1 cup

  • Apple Vinegar and light soy sauce[Mixed vinegar]

    3/4 cup

  • Wild Flower Honey[Mixed vinegar]

    1 1/2 tablespoons

  • Radish sprouts and kabosu[For decoration, if available]

    As appropriate

How to make it

1Slice the onion thinly. Remove the strings from the celery and cut it into 5cm-long strips. Peel the carrot, cut it into 5cm-long diagonal slices, then cut it into julienne strips. Cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds, and cut it into 5cm-long strips.

2In a storage container[Mixed vinegar]Add the cut kelp and mix well. Add red chili pepper to taste.

3Cut the yellowtail into bite-sized pieces and lightly coat with potato starch. Heat the frying oil to 180℃, add the yellowtail and fry until crispy. Drain off any excess oil and place in step 2 while still hot.

4Place in the fridge for a while to let the flavors blend.

5Serve in a bowl and garnish with radish sprouts or kabosu to taste.

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