Sugi Beekeeping Garden

Honey Chiffon Cake

Honey Chiffon Cake

Products used in this recipe

SUGI BEE GARDEN Blend Honey Made in Canada (1kg/bag)
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Ingredients (for 2-3 people)

  • Egg white

    3 servings

  • honey


  • egg yolk

    3 servings

  • lemon juice


  • Granulated sugar


  • cake flour


  • Salad oil


How to make it

1Put the egg yolks and 1/3 of the granulated sugar in a bowl and whisk until it becomes pale and fluffy. Add the salad oil, honey, and lemon juice in that order, mixing each time.

2Add the sifted flour to ① and mix well again.

3In another bowl, beat the egg whites with a hand mixer for about 1 minute, then add the remaining granulated sugar and beat until fluffy.
Make sure the bowl is firm enough that it won't fall out even if you turn it upside down.

4Add 1/3 of the meringue from step 3 to bowl 2 and mix well with a whisk. Add the remaining meringue in two batches and mix lightly with a rubber spatula.

5Pour the batter from step 4 into the chiffon mold from a high position. Bake in a preheated oven at 180℃ for 30 to 35 minutes.
Once cooked, turn upside down and let cool completely.

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