Zunda Shiratama with Honey

Zunda Shiratama with Honey

Products used in this recipe

Made in Hungary Acacia Honey (1000g/ Plastic Container)
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Ingredients (for 2 people)

  • 白玉粉


  • Boiled edamame (peeled)


  • Made in Hungary Acacia Honey


  • water


  • salt

    1/8 teaspoon

How to make it

1Put boiled edamame beans, Acacia Honey, water, and salt in a blender and blend until just the beans are mixed well.

2Put the shiratama flour in a bowl and knead while gradually adding the amount of water (not included in the recipe) as indicated on the package.
Once it has hardened to the consistency of an earlobe, roll it into bite-sized balls.

3Boil plenty of water in a pot, add and boil for about 3 minutes. When the dumplings float to the top, boil for a further minute.

4Once cooked, transfer to a bowl of ice water and allow to cool completely.

5Drain ④ in a colander, place in a bowl and top with ①'s zunda paste.

To enjoy the flavor of the edamame, be careful not to mash the beans too much.
Frozen edamame also works deliciously.
The boiled dumplings are cooled quickly to give them a chewy texture.

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