Sugi Beekeeping Garden

Spring vegetable rose flyer

Spring vegetable rose flyer

Products used in this recipe

Apple Vinegar (500ml)
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Ingredients (Serves 4)

  • 2 cups of rice

    1-2 tablespoons Ginger Pickled in Honey (finely chopped)

  • Bamboo shoots 100g

    5-6 boiled shrimp

  • Snap peas (about 4 stalks)

    Lotus root 1 section (approximately 60g)

  • 1 piece of shredded egg

    White sesame seeds (as needed)

  • Kinome (leaf buds)

    Rape blossoms (as needed)

  • Apple Vinegar [A] 1/4 cup

    Acacia Honey [A] 1 and 1/2 tablespoons

  • Salt [A] 1 teaspoon

    Dashi stock [B] 4 tablespoons

  • 1 tablespoon light soy sauce [B]

    Acacia Honey [B] 1 tablespoon

How to make it

1Make the vinegared rice. Cook the rice until it is slightly firm, then add the (A) ingredients (which have been mixed well in advance) and Ginger Pickled in Honey ginger, and mix quickly.

2Peel the lotus root, cut it into 3mm pieces, and soak it in water. Cut the bamboo shoots into bite-sized pieces.

3Remove the strings from the snap peas and boil them briefly in boiling water with a little salt (not included in the recipe). Rinse in cold water and cut in half.

4Add [B], lotus root, and bamboo shoots to a pot and simmer for about 5 minutes. Allow the pot to cool and let the flavors blend.

5Place the vinegared rice in a bowl, place the drained ingredients 4 and boiled shrimp on top, and sprinkle on top with snap peas, kinome leaf buds, rape blossoms, shredded egg, and white sesame seeds.

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