Sugi Beekeeping Garden

Simmered chicken wings and potatoes with plum

Simmered chicken wings and potatoes with plum

Products used in this recipe

Plum Pickled in Honey 850g
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Ingredients (Serves 4)

  • Chicken wings

    8 bottles

  • Potatoes

    3 pieces

  • Salad oil

    Appropriate amount

  • Dashi stock [A]


  • Soy sauce [A]


  • Alcohol [A]


  • Plum Pickled in Honey [A]


  • Plum fruit [A]

    2 pieces

How to make it

1Peel the potatoes, cut them in half and soak them in water. Cut off the chicken wing tips from the joint and make a cut along the bone.

2Heat salad oil in a pan, place the chicken wings skin side down and fry until well browned. Wipe off excess oil with kitchen paper.

3Turn the chicken wings over, add the potatoes and coat thoroughly in oil.

4Add (A), cover and simmer.

5When the potatoes are soft and the cooking liquid has reduced to less than half, it's done.

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