Sugi Beekeeping Garden

Ginger Marinated Mackerel

Ginger Marinated Mackerel

Products used in this recipe

Ginger Pickled in Honey (850g)
Buy this product

Ingredients (Serves 3-4)

  • 1 mackerel

    Dashi stock [A] 2 cups

  • 20g Ginger Pickled in Honey

    1/2 cup pure Honey Vinegar [A]

  • 1/3 carrot

    Ginger Pickled in Honey [A] 4 tablespoons

  • 1 green onion

    Soy sauce [A] 4 tablespoons

  • Salt to taste

    2 tablespoons light soy sauce [A]

  • Potato starch (as needed)

  • Salad oil (as needed)

  • Lemon wedges, as desired

  • Radish sprouts (as needed)

How to make it

1Sprinkle salt on the mackerel and leave for about an hour, then remove the bones and cut into 1.5cm pieces, making cuts along the skin side. Julienne the carrot and finely chop the green onion.

2Add the ingredients in [A] to a pot and bring to a boil.

3Coat the mackerel in ① with potato starch and fry in oil at 180 degrees. While the mackerel is still hot, add it to ②, along with the carrots, green onions, and Ginger Pickled in Honey.

4Remove from heat and chill in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Serve on a plate, garnish with radish sprouts for color, and finish with lemon if desired.

If you use Ginger Pickled in Honey, you can make a mellow ginger vinegar. You can also use Apple Vinegar. Sprinkle salt on the mackerel to remove the odor and make it fresh.

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